The symposium aims at bringing together leading finance scholars and asset management industry experts from all over the world to focus on new advances in investing methodologies and practices. It is an annual event taking place on the first Sunday and Monday of May in one of the global financial centers.


The authors are invited to submit unpublished empirical or partially theoretical papers in any area related to investments that are not under journal revision (R&R) and have not appeared at any AFA or WFA programs. Possible topics include (in alphabetical order), but are not limited to:


• Arbitrage in Asset Markets
• Corporate Decisions and Asset Returns
• Firm Governance and Securities Valuation
• Global Investment Issues
• Hedge Funds and Other Alternative Investments
• High-Frequency Trading
• Investor Behavior and Performance
• Liquidity and Security Returns
• Mutual Funds and Pension Funds
• Portfolio Rebalancing Strategies
• Real Economy and Asset Prices
• Return Predictability


The submitted papers are reviewed and ranked by the symposium committee members and ten papers are accepted for presentation. Student submissions are welcome but they compete against the entire pool of papers. On average, the symposium receives more than 200 submissions.


Each paper is assigned a discussant. Discussants are primarily selected from among the submitting authors, who at the time of submission express willingness to participate in the symposium in that capacity as well. Each discussant receives a small honorarium.


The 1st symposium took place in Montreal in 2018; 2nd - in New York in partnership with the Review of Financial Studies; 3rd, 4th, and 5th - online due to the pandemic; 6th - in Boston; 7th - in Zurich in partnership with the Swiss Finance Institute.

The 8th symposium will be on May 4-5, 2025 in Washington, DC.